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#0368 - The Charms of Love - Gifford, Edward S.

#0368 - The Charms of Love - Gifford, Edward S.
#0368 - The Charms of Love - Gifford, Edward S.
#0368 - The Charms of Love - Gifford, Edward S.  - view 1#0368 - The Charms of Love - Gifford, Edward S.
 £12.00 / $18.00  each

Product Description

Published by - Faber and Faber
Condition - Very Good

Published by - Faber and Faber
Condition - Very Good
Size - 200x130mm
Jacket Condition - Very Good
Binding - Original Cloth
Edition - First Edition
Publish Year -1963

Description - The extremes and subterfuges to which otherwise normal men and women have gone in their attempts to win love. From Classical times to the present. 277pp.