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#6466 - New Crops - Jules Janick and James E.Simon (Editors)

#6466 - New Crops - Jules Janick and James E.Simon (Editors)
#6466 - New Crops - Jules Janick and James E.Simon (Editors)
#6466 - New Crops - Jules Janick and James E.Simon (Editors)  - view 1#6466 - New Crops - Jules Janick and James E.Simon (Editors)
 £50.00 / $75.00  each

Product Description

Published by - John Wiley
Condition - Very Good

Published by - John Wiley
Condition - Very Good
Size - 290x220mm
Jacket Condition - Very Good
Binding - Cloth
ISBN - 0 471 59374 5
Edition -
Publish Year -1993

Description - The second National Symposium of New Crops: Exploration, Research, Commercialisation. Compilation of invited papers by many of the world's foremost crop scientists, horticulturalists and agribusiness experts. 710 pages.